Should you be advertising at the moment... and what sort of content should you be putting out?Read Kantar’s point of view on common client questions on creative development process during these emotionally intense and uncertain times.
Despite the increasing numbers of cases of COVID-19 across Asia, the top fear is not falling sick but the threat that the virus may hurt individuals’ financial health, according to a recent study* conducted by Kantar.
Twelve trends that will impact the media industry in 2020
Kantar Marketplace is a next generation research and insights store that offers fast access to data and quick turnaround solutions based on the world’s largest respondent panel.
Download our summary report to find out more about the big opportunities for tomorrow’s urban mobility
How can brands improve media effectiveness by putting their marketing in motion? What challenges and opportunities do marketers face? What are the implications of evolving perspectives and trends?
We have analysed nearly four million consumer interviews covering 166,000 brands to identify the key drivers of sustainable growth – and understand what sets apart the world’s most valuable brands from the rest.